VCAP-DCA BrownBag – Section 8 vCenter Orchestrator

On the last call the crowd suggested we cover the vCenter Orchestrator bits of Section 8, and so a tweet went out:

… and thus we had three folks answer the call:

  • Paul Richards – Virtualization lead on the Product Engineering team at SunGard Availability Services. His background is in virtualization, storage, and now this cloud stuff.
  • Brian Knudtson –  just a simple Systems Engineer trying to make his way through this virtual world he’s found himself in.
  • Burke Azbill is an IT professional with 15 years of experience in tech-support, network administration, web development, programming, and automation. He is the founder of and a member of the Cloud Orchestration Services team in VMware’s PSO.

Critical Details:

Date: 1/19/2010 @ 8PM EST

As always, bring your questions and we’ll try to get them answered.