#vBrownBag Follow-Up VMware DRS Doctor with Brian Graf (@vbriangraf)

VMware’s own Brian Graf joins the #vBrownBag to discuss the new DRS Doctor fling. You can download DRS Doctor from https://labs.vmware.com/flings/drsdoctor VMware DRS Doctor Video Follow Brian on Twitter @vBrianGraf Originally published by www.professionalvmware.com

#vBrownBag Follow-Up AWS Solutions Architect Associate Domain 1.0 w Nick Colyer (@vnickc)

Nick Colyer, from Ahead, helps guide you through the first part of Domain 1.0 for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification. Nick covers designing highly available, cost efficient, fault tolerant,and scalable systems. AWS Solutions Architect Domain 1.0 Video You can follow Nick on Twitter @vnickc Originally published by www.professionalvmware.com