BrownBag–VCP5 Objective 6 (@Josh_Atwell)

This week we continue down the road of VCP5 prep with Josh Atwell (Blog / Twitter) who will be covering Objective 6 on the VCP5 blueprint. For more info on Josh, I’d encourage you to follow his blog, or ping him on Twitter. He’s a really smart guy! BrownBag VCP5 Objective 6 Details Date/Time: 2/15/2012
-> Continue reading BrownBag–VCP5 Objective 6 (@Josh_Atwell)

Open Tabs–Week ending 2/17/2012

Yes, it’s only Tuesday, but I need to get some of these tabs closed if for nothing else but to reclaim the memory. That said, there are some good ones. 24% of IT shops, no performance monitoring – vSphere Alarms & PowerCLI (This area needs much more coverage) Setting alarms with PowerCLI More
-> Continue reading Open Tabs–Week ending 2/17/2012