What’s New in VMTurbo?

While I’ve talked some about VMTurbo before (here and here), I figured now would be a good time to let you know abut some of the enhancements they’ve made recently:

  • Improved workload placement policy support
    • It is now possible to specify “Place” and “Don’t Place policies for the workload and hosts and datastores addressing typical affinity and anti-affinity use cases
  • Tracking status of service entities
    • All VMs and PMs now show their status (online, shutdown, maintenance etc) in the UI using special icons
  • Business summary dashboards
    • The 1st release of several simple dashboards addressing the operation and status needs of management teams
    • They show pie charts with the severity summaries and problem logs for various parts of the stack
    • A foundation for further improvements and new configurable dashboards

Also! There is application performance monitoring this time around also (seen here)