There was only one session today I wanted into, and into it I got. The day started however with an amazing cup of coffee:
PowerCLI with Carter Shanklin
This was another of those sessions that made the entire trip worth it, and that was only because of this particular slide:
Ok, so the content was good too, if a bit rushed.
The remainder of the day was dedicated to walking the floor, getting schwag, and trying to help out at the VMware communities booth. That was where I spotted this guy:
Not quite sure what he was selling, but it was an interesting way to go about doing so.
nothing feels much better than starting a conversation with a warm cup of coffee, oh anyway what's up with that guy, it isn't any kind of booth or something.. was he asking for donations?
Never did find out what he was about really. I have some /unclear/ pictures
of the back panel, seems they're selling something.