Virtually Secure – HyTrust Launches Virtual Security Appliance

HyTrust today came out of quazi-stealth mode and released it’s security virtual appliance. It now comes in 6 new flavors of bacon-like goodness. Ok, so not bacon, but just as awesome!

From the press release:

The new HyTrust Appliance features the following key benefits:

  • Consistent Control – access and configuration controls are enforced consistently across the entire virtual infrastructure regardless of the management method.
  • Visibility and Complianceuser activity and hypervisor security posture is consistently logged at a central point, and detailed audit-quality logs are created for forensics and reporting.
  • Efficiency and Integration – automation of manual procedures achieves best practices, as well as integration with existing management tools; server engineers can be more efficient with their time, and deliver a strong ROI.
  • Flexibility – growth and expansion is supported and enabled, as is adaptability of virtual infrastructure to meet business demands.

“HyTrust offers a great approach and solution to help organizations address control and compliance issues in a consistent way through automation and policy enforcement, enabling optimal visibility and management over the virtual infrastructure,” said David Bartoletti, senior analyst and consultant, Taneja Group.

Other coverage of this glorious event from Scott Lowe & over at Kens

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