First let me explain exactly what I’m talking about. In virtual center, when you select a host, you get a “Summary” page. On this page there are some statistics… A picture perhaps will make this easier:
Better? I think so.
So first for those resources on top:
PS C:\> get-vmhost | get-view | %{ $_.Summary.QuickStats } | fl *
OverallCpuUsage : 874
OverallMemoryUsage : 3162
DistributedCpuFairness : 0
DistributedMemoryFairness : 0
DynamicType :
DynamicProperty :
So there are a few other things in there too, but we’re looking at the CPU & Overall Memory, Memory being shown in MB.
Next for the datastores:
PS C:\Documents and Settings\cody.bunch> get-vmhost | get-datastore | select Name, FreeSpaceMB | fl
Name : esx:storage1
FreeSpaceMB : 39085
Name : Local Storage
FreeSpaceMB : 170557
Easier this time. The free space again being in MB. This would be useful if you are doing periodic polling, or wanted to check available resources before provisioning a new VM.
This is cool, but how can I get the used AND configured to more accurately mirror the picture?
Excellent, but can I do this for CPU / Memory too? Sorry I wasn't clear in my inital query…
Used = Capacity – Free, agreed?
If thats the case, we can start with:
get-vmhost | get-datastore | select Name, CapacityMB, FreeSpaceMB | fl
This gives you a list of the capacities & free space. So you can get used by doing:
get-vmhost | select -first 1 | get-datastore | select -first 1 | %{ $usedMB = $_.CapacityMB – $_.FreeSpaceMB }
$usedMB will then contain your used MB's.
Let me know if you need further assistance.
This is cool, but how can I get the used AND configured to more accurately mirror the picture?
Excellent, but can I do this for CPU / Memory too? Sorry I wasn't clear in my inital query…
Used = Capacity – Free, agreed?
If thats the case, we can start with:
get-vmhost | get-datastore | select Name, CapacityMB, FreeSpaceMB | fl
This gives you a list of the capacities & free space. So you can get used by doing:
get-vmhost | select -first 1 | get-datastore | select -first 1 | %{ $usedMB = $_.CapacityMB – $_.FreeSpaceMB }
$usedMB will then contain your used MB's.
Let me know if you need further assistance.