Know what’s coming yet? No? Here are some wonderful VMware VIX things you can do while you think on it.
- Install VMware Tools
- Set IP
- Snapshots
- Reboot VM
These are all on one line. Note, the first two work, the second two at the time of this writing report “Error: Unknown error” (ESX in VIX 1.6.2 is still experimental, but I’ve an SR with these too)
Install VMware Tools
vmrun –T esx –h https://server/sdk –u user –p password –gu guestUser –gp guestPassword “[datastore] /vmfolder/vmname.vmx” installTools
Set IP
vmrun –T esx –h https://server/sdk –u user –p password –gu guestUser –gp guestPassword runProgramInGuest "[datastore] vm/vm.vmx" c:\windows\system32\netsh.exe int ip set address local static 1
vmrun –T esx –h https://server/sdk –u root –p pass snapshot “[datastore] vm/vm.vmx” test
vmrun –T esx –h https://server/sdk –u root –p pass deleteSnapshot “[datastore] vm/vm.vmx” test
Reboot VM
vmrun –T esx –h https://server/sdk –u someuser –p password reset “[datastore] vm/vm.vmx” soft
Let me know in the comments what you’re using VIX for.
Resizing the guest hard disk is a great one, I'm working on a demo for this but feel free to “scoop” me.
Changing guest DNS or route. Restarting DHCP. These are a few good things to run through if a machine mysteriously becomes unreachable.
Defragmenting the guest hard disk on Windows.
Lots of possibilities here and we're just getting started.
1. Changing DNS & Routes, easy enough, both default routes as well as injecting static routes?
2. Also easy enough.
3. If you've got a demo, I'll post it, no problem. If you'd like I can play with it some to see how it all works, and post results. You tell me.
Is there a way to set the hostname of the guest via the VIX API ?
If you can do it via the CLI, you should be able to do it via VIX as well.
What platform are you trying to change hostnames on?
If you can do it via the CLI, you should be able to do it via VIX as well.
What platform are you trying to change hostnames on?
How do you cleanly shutdown a NT 4 guest? If you run vmrun with the stop-soft option it stays at the message that it's safe to power off. The stop-hard would do a cold power off which is not good for the OS.
Indeed. These commands at least stop-soft depend on the guest being ACPI
(APCI?) aware…
How do you cleanly shutdown a NT 4 guest? If you run vmrun with the stop-soft option it stays at the message that it's safe to power off. The stop-hard would do a cold power off which is not good for the OS.
Indeed. These commands at least stop-soft depend on the guest being ACPI
(APCI?) aware…