vCenter Orchestrator – VIX Plugin Installation

If you are going to be using Orchestrator… and you should be, you are going to want to pull down and install the VIX plugin from here.

Why? I hope you are strapped into your seat, and that seat is bolted to the floor because the awesome fixing to drop will hit with a force so hard it will blow you over otherwise. Think on this situation:

“ZOMG We’re changing the network addressing scheme, and you… yes you need to change all of the IP addresses and gateways, in the next 45 minutes.”

Note: I know that’s a bit out there, but it happens.

Not sufficiently blown away? Look at some of my other posts on VIX to get a handle on the power the VIX API gives you for working inside the virtual machine.

Want some of this unadulterated automation awesomeness?

Pull down the bits from here, and follow these steps:

  1. Extract the zip file:
  2. Copy “” to “C:\Program Files\VMware\” and extract it:
  3. Edit the PATH variable on the system (System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables) and add this:”C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware-vix-x64-1.10.1-266898”
  4. Add the plugin to vCO:
  5. Log into vCO check out the new workflows:


VIX really is some good stuff for taking your automation beyond basic VM building and allowing you to preform actions within the guest. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop a line in the comments or follow me on Twitter here.

One thought on “vCenter Orchestrator – VIX Plugin Installation”

  • hi,
    i’m new to the whole vcac/vco world, i found vix last week and i’ve been trying to install the plugin in my enviroment. but when i try to run the install the workflow just hangs and does nothing. any ideas?

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