I have always said that the vBrownBag TechTalks could not happen without the support of our sponsors. Broadcom’s changes to the VMware partner and events programs have left vBrownBag without sufficient sponsors this year. The vBrownBag crew will not make TechTalk videos at VMware Explore this year.
The VMware Community team will still have a theatre and manage session selection, so there will still be an opportunity for community presentations. Submissions should open on 25 March; keep an eye on the Explore site.
I want to thank all the sponsors, presenters, and vBrownBag crew who have contributed to the vBrownBag TechTalks since we started in 2012. It has been a fantastic experience and a personal highlight each year over the last dozen years.
Thanks to Rick at Veeam, a long-term supporter and the only sponsor who replied positively when I asked this year.