OSCON Lab Materials

tl;dr Download our OSCON lab materials here.

As a follow-up on my coming to OSCON, I thought it prudent to provide some info & downloads for the lab ahead of time.

Lab Materials

While we will have USB keys in the tutorial for everyone, we figure some of y’all might want to get started early. With that in mind, the lab materials can be downloaded here, but be aware, it’s about 4GB of stuff to download.

  • Slides – Both the PPT & PDF of the slides
  • openstackicehouse.ova – The vAPP we will use in the lab
  • OpenStack_command_guide_reference.pdf – A quick reference for OpenStack CLI commands
  • Access_virtualbox_allinone.pdf – A guide for accessing the lab
  • cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-disk.img – Used in the labs
  • Osco Solutions/ – All of the labs we will be doing
  • Couch to OpenStack/ – An additional 12 hours of Getting Started with OpenStack Material
  • VirtualBox/ – Contains the VirtualBox installer for OSX, Linux, and Windows

Really, you can get the materials here


To be successful in the lab, there are a few things you will need. None of these are too complex or too deep, but having them will improve your experience overall.

  • A laptop with a minimum of 4GB free ram
  • VirtualBox or VMware Fusion/Workstation/Player installed
  • An SSH client. On Windows, Putty works well.

Some Random Statistics

Building the USB keys was an exercise in insanity. The setup looks kinda like this:

The fan was added after the first batch nearly melted the USB hub. The smell of burnt silicon was pretty intense.

  • Each key contains about 4GB of data.
  • We’re copying them 24 at a time and seeing:
    • 40 min to finish all 24 disks
    • 45MB/sec (Yes Megabytes) sustained transfer
    • 12,000 IOPS largely write

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