If you don’t already know there is an EMEA version of the vBrownbag webinar being run every Tuesday at 7PM GMT out of western Europe. We have already covered a number of topics and have done objectives from the VCP5-DT, the VCP5-IaaS and most recently the VCAP5-CID blueprints. But the reason for this posting is to let people know what we have planned for the next few weeks so that people know all the awesome things we will be covering and so that you can all make a slot in your time to attend and hopefully participate and learn with everyone else on the call. The schedule for the next month is:
Date Topic Detail Presenter
12/3/2013 VCP5_IaaS Objective 5 Organizations Pietro Piutti
19/3/2013 VCAP5-CID Objective 1 vCloud Conceptual Design Arjan Timmerman
26/3/2013 VCAP5-CID Objective 7 Metering and Compliance Lawrence Kohan
2/4/2013 VCAP5-CID Objective 8 vApp Design Kenny Garreau
9/4/2013 VCAP5-CID Objective 6 Availability Michael Webster
You can register for the EMEA vBrownbag’s here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/678193680
If you want to present one of the objectives from the VCAP5-CID/VCP5-DT or the VCP5-IaaS then please get in contact as we are always looking for presenters
Gregg and Arjan
Hi Greg.I missed the Availability webinar on April 9th .. is it possible to view it posted somewhere?