vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) 5.0 – Active Directory Integration

I’ve talked about vMA and Active Directory (AD) integration before, also upgrading and troubleshooting it. This time out, we’re going to talk about doing this on vMA 5.0. I’ll start with the assumption that you’ve deployed vMA already.

Attaching vMA 5.0 to Active Directory (AD)

  1. Make sure vMA is in DNS
  2. Make sure vMA is using your DNS server(s):
  3. Check DNS:
  4. Set the hostname:
    sudo hostname vma.provmware.local
  5. Do this stuff:
    vi-admin@localhost:~> sudo domainjoin-cli join provmware.local provmware@provmware.local
    vi-admin’s password:
    Joining to AD Domain:   provmware.local
    With Computer DNS Name: vma.provmware.local

    provmware@PROVMWARE.LOCAL’s password:
    Warning: System restart required
    Your system has been configured to authenticate to Active Directory for the first time.  It is recommended that
    you restart your system to ensure that all applications recognize the new settings.


Once you’ve rebooted, all should be good! Really:

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