Installing ESXi 4 in VMware Fusion

Thanks to the generosity of some really cool folks at work I am now a MacBook Pro believer. That said, one of my tasks over the holidays was to get things migrated from my old Ubuntu install and into OSX. The first place to start was with my Virtual Machines. The first one over was my Windows 7 VM, the process for this was three steps, copy, paste, go. Next it was time to take the training wheels off VMware Fusion and have some real fun: Installing ESXi.

  1. Pull down the ISO
  2. Fire up the “New VM Assistant” & point it @ the install disk (note it recognizes it):
  3. After clicking continue & finish, the install begins:
  4. After a few minutes… done!

That is all there was to it really. Questions? Drop a line in the comments.

5 thoughts on “Installing ESXi 4 in VMware Fusion

  • Pingback: Tweets that mention Installing ESXi 4 in VMware Fusion --
  • Hi,
    I’m working with Fusion 2.0.7(246742) & ESXi 4.1 on top of OSX 10.6.5; I all the way to the point of the last screen shot, then another screen appears after files are copied asking: (R) repair (ESC) cancel (enter) to install. None of the keys work, I can still resume the OS X session via control command and have tried to sent the key stroke command but nothing from that either… really not sure what the ESXi install seems to hang. Any ideas helpful thanks.


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