OnlineFlashCards VCP310 – Review Posted

Amazon just posted my 3 star review of OnlineFlashCards for the VCP310. You can read the entire thing here. I’ve quoted some bits of it here:

When I received the product, it came in a shrink wrapped box. Odd I thought, considering this is an online product, what is the box for? I shook it up and down. I shook it side to side. I even shook it at a diagonal. All of this trying to see what the box was about. After removing the shrink wrap, and opening the box, I discovered what all of the fuss was about. Packaged within the box was a little bit of magic! It was the key to opening up the flashcards online!

Some explanation about the 3 stars: There were some ‘not right’ answers included in the bundle. While not in and of itself a problem, this may throw new users off the mark some. However, when taken within the context of using the cards to supplement the VMware class and other reading material, the cards will make a good aid for quizzing yourself. My only other complaint is that I was expecting more “Meat”, however, I believe this is because I already hold a VCP certification. All and all I can see where this would be useful in the training arsenal of a budding VCP310.

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