VMTN Roundtable #33
The link over on the VMTN blog is a bit off and identifies this as #32, but I assure you, this was the VMTN podcast #33, discussing the VITK 1.5 release, and a few other things. TalkShoe Link
The link over on the VMTN blog is a bit off and identifies this as #32, but I assure you, this was the VMTN podcast #33, discussing the VITK 1.5 release, and a few other things. TalkShoe Link
Came across this in my RSS reader, and figured it was worth a mention. Project VRC (Virtual Reality Check) provides vendor neutral white papers on how to best configure Xen, Hyper-V, and VMware for different workloads. Do you wonder about virtualization? Are you seeking for the best virtualization platform for your specific environment? Project VRC
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