Sunday Turtle Blogging – Are Turtles Dangerous Pets?

The FDA seems to think so. While we wondered if the FDA was simply crying ‘wolf’ on the safety of turtles as pets to cause some press to come their way, it turns out that the FDA’s claim that turtles can be unsafe as pets is completely valid.   According to an article written Consumer
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5 Days – 5 PowerShell One-Liners You Can’t Live Without

5 Days now… Till? Guessed yet? If not, here are 5 PowerShell one-liner’s you cant live without. get-vm | get-snapshot | where { $_.Created -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)} get-vm | get-view | %{ $_.Config } | select Name,Uuid get-vm | Get-CDDrive | Set-CDDrive -Connected:$false -Confirm:$false get-template MyTemplate | new-vm -vmhost esxserver01 -name MyVM -OSCustomizationSpec MySpec get-vmhost –name
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