BrownBag Follow-Up: VDI & Storage Impacts

IOPS? No, it’s not where you go to get pancakes. Last night we were joined by two all-stars in VDI sizing and had an awesome audience conversation around VDI and it’s potential impact on storage. What follows is the video and some selected bits from the chat. The Video ProfessionalVMware BrownBags – VDI & Storage
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BrownBag – VDI & Storage!

Woot! We’ve touched on storage before (here) but we have not yet scratched the surface of VDI let alone how it effects storage. More than that, we’ll have some VDI experts from around the community to talk to us. First, the critical details: Critical Details: Date/Time: 6/22 @ 7PM CSTRegister: Speaker Bios: Michael Letschin
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