Basic Hardening Part 2: Using Heat Templates

Remember the basic hardening we did? No? Well, go forth and read here. I’ll wait. … Done? Ok, so you are with us on the promise and premise of cloud and short lived application servers. Cattle all the things! You are also with me on the idea that even cattle need to be vaccinated from
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OpenStack Heat Concepts, Architecture, and Workflow

It’s not often (at least in the OpenStack world) that you get 70% done with a blog post explaining a thing and then find a resource that does it better than you could have. In this case, while it’s a bit dated, is a presentation from Mirantis on Heat, it’s Concepts, Architecture, and Workflow: An
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Autoscaling with Heat on Devstack

Autoscaling is one of the more interesting (and outstanding) features of OpenStack Heat. In this post, you’ll build a Devstack environment in a VM with Heat, Neutron, and Ceilometer. This will enable you to run the Autoscaling examples.   Getting Started To get started, copy the following into a Vagrantfile and vagrant-up. This generally takes
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OpenStack Heat Link-Dump

Link dump! That is, I’ve been looking into OpenStack Heat quite a bit lately. That generally means I’ve got way too many browser tabs open at the moment and need to shut some down. Thus, here comes a huge list of OpenStack links and resources. Heat Websites
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