Episode Followup – InstructLab and Open Source AI

We’ve been anticipating this one 🥰 InstructLab is a model-agnostic open source AI project that facilitates contributions to LLMs! In this episode, IBM DA JJ Asghar talks about InstructLab and Open Source AI! JJ walks us through how to setup and train models locally so that you too can AI 🤖😂

  • 00:00 – Intro
  • 04:41 – What is InstructLab?
  • 17:35 – Taking a look
  • 21:40 – Live demo!


InstructLab workshop – https://ibm.github.io/opensource-ai-workshop

The whitepaper – https://www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/X9W4O6BM

InstructLab site – https://instructlab.ai/

InstructLab repo – https://github.com/instructlab