We will be returning to the OpenStack Summit (as usual) to give a voice to the huge community around OpenStack. The Austin summit will be huge, returning to OpenStack’s spiritual home ground and to a large convention centre. Naturally vBrownBag will be going huge as well, the OpenStack Foundation have allocated us two rooms for making TechTalks. This will allow use to make twice as many videos as any past summit. The last few summits we were limited by the amount of time our room was open. For Tokyo, we had to limit to a single TechTalk per presenter. With two rooms, and two video crews, we will be able to make over a hundred TechTalks so if you have multiple topics then propose multiple TechTalks.
The signup form for presenters is here https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/vbrownbag_austinsummit
As usual, we will publish a schedule a couple of weeks before the Summit, which will serve as the acceptance notification. Hopefully, we will be able to accept every presentation that is not a blatant sales pitch.
In addition to the support of the OpenStack Foundation, we need the support of sponsors to enable the TechTalks. If your organization would like some more exposure at the openStack Summit, and afterwards on YouTube, then please get in touch with alastair@vbrownbag.com
Our most loyal and dependable sponsor has been Cisco and I’m delighted to announce that they have continued to support the vBrownBag TechTalks.