Once again we look towards VMworld and want to have the best community and educational content in the vBrownBag TechTalks. vBrownBag TechTalks are brief presentations (12 or 27-minute slots) by community members that help other community members. Most presentations are technical, the audience is definitely technical. We will arrange with you to record your smiling face and laptop screen for slides and demos. This year, VMworld is again online so we will be pre-recording the TechTalks. The good news is that we are back inside the official VMware event as the guests of the VMware Community team. This means your TechTalk will be in the VMworld catalog with a fixed streaming time, we hope you will be able to join the live chat.
Your next step is to sign up to present a TechTalk using this form. Sign up soon, and get started putting your session together. We will then be in touch to schedule recording, which needs to be complete by the end of August.