Starting on March 26th, we will have 3 shows to help you prepare for your VMware Certified Advanced Professional in Desktop Design (VCAP-DTD). The series will be broken into 3 sections to cover the various parts of the VCAP-DTD Blueprint.
You can get up to speed on the blueprints and format of the exam thanks to the VCAP Design Bootcamps we recently held with John Arrasjid, Mostafa Khalil, Linus Bouque and Jon Hall.
VCAP Bootcamp Part 1: An overview of the exams, format and review of the blueprints.
VCAP Bootcamp Part 2: Review the various types of questions you will see on the VCAP Design exams as well as reviews examples of each type of question.
Session 1 – 3/26 8:30P EST: Adam Eckerle will cover topics such as Pods and Blocks (10,000 seats), database design, ThinApp deployment, Repository vs 3rd party, vSphere (vCenter/ESXi), VMFS vs NFS, DNS/DHCP, AD and Firewall rules.
Session 2 – 4/2 8:30P EST: Brian Suhr and Chris Halstead will cover the Design Process, idea of “why”, use cases, “gold image”, customer need vs “best practice”, “it depends..” and pool design (float vs persistent; linked clone vs full).
Session 3 – 4/9 8:30P EST: Thomas Brown will wrap up talking storage (I/Ops) for EVERYTHING, pool specific storage, applications storage, storage performance, software tiered vs hardware tiered, End user design, peripherals, session requirements (aka GPOs), and lifecycle.