Couch to OpenStack – Cinder Follow-Up

Thanks everyone for coming along last night. To recap, we: Used git to clone the Couch to OpenStack repo Used Vagrant to stand up the ‘controller’, ‘compute’, and ‘Cinder’ VMs Used the Vagrant shell provisioner to install Ubuntu Grizzly repos MySQL KeyStone Glance Nova Cinder Setup .stackrc with environment variables Discussed the OpenStack Block Storage
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#vBrownbag Follow-Up Sean Duffy covering the Xtravirt vPi

On the 6th of August 2013 Sean Duffy covered the Xtravirt Advantage vPi on the EMEA vBrownbag. The recording from the webinar is below The presentation can be downloaded here: EMEA vBrownbag with Sean Duffy covering the Xtravirt vPi from EMEA vBrownbag on Vimeo.