In prepping for the vCO book, one of the things I tested out was Linked-Mode vCenters. Once I discovered the vCO plug-in would not support linked-mode vCenters in the way I was expecting, I deleted the VM that was hosting vCenter02… this lead to the following in my vSphere client:
vCenter Server not connected
What? But I am connected to vCenter?! When clicked, you’ll see a message like this:
Fixing it
Unfortunately, the VMware installer for vCenter & Linked-Mode will only remove a defunct vCenter while said vCenter is still online. Thankfully, VMware provides this KB on the matter.
- Log into vCenter (in my case the first one)
- Start ADSI Edit
- Use this string to connect:
dc=virtualcenter,dc=vmware,dc=int - Use the server name, for a connection settings window that looks like this:
- Drill to OU=Instances:
- Right click a CN=, click properties, select filter, then “Show only attributes that have values”
- Then, for each CN till you find the broken one, repeat step 6. When you find it:
- Delete it, close ADSI Edit, restart VI Client.
what about if you can’t connect to a server that should be visible? I can see server 1 if i connect to server 2, but not server 2 from server 1.
Thx for the info – worked like a charm. Long live the internet!