Woot! We’ve touched on storage before (here) but we have not yet scratched the surface of VDI let alone how it effects storage. More than that, we’ll have some VDI experts from around the community to talk to us. First, the critical details:
Critical Details:
Date/Time: 6/22 @ 7PM CST
Register: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/351927521
Speaker Bios:
Michael Letschin
As Lead VMware and Storage Integration Architect for Convergence Technology Consulting, my focus is on developing full solution sets for enterprise customers looking to virtualize servers, desktops and application. An techie at heart who has gone through IT management and now tries to keep on top of the latest and greatest to help whoever he can.
Mike Blogs at http://solutionsarchitect.wordpress.com/
Jon Spallone
Jon Spallone is a Lead Integration Architect at Convergence, responsible for the oversight and development of all coordinated designs, plans and deployments for the company’s Citrix practices. Jon has experience in application delivery, IT infrastructure and virtualization technologies within the public and private sectors.
Jon Blogs at: http://jonspallone.com/
Viva Citrix!!!